Dear esteemed clients,

It is with great pleasure that I present to you these master works.

Below you will find the current art piece that I have selected to present to you, as well as some documentation regarding each item.

The collection you are about to view is from private collections.

All items are currently for sale, along with all the proper documentation.

Some of these pieces are truly exquisite due to their rarity, others mesmerizing due to their beauty.

I hope you enjoy this new selection I have put together for you. Do not hesitate to contact me if interested in one or many of these fine works.

Sincerely yours,

Your concierge of the arts

Laurent de Posson de Wanfercee


Paul Delvaux

Femme a la rose, 1936.  Oil on Canvas

Femme a la rose, 1936.  Oil on Canvas
